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USA High school year!

Dit bericht van Sanne is automatisch gekopieerd vanuit haar weblog. Klik hier om het origineel te bekijken.

It sounds great!

Al those high school movies with party's, football teams, schoolbus, cheerleaders, hot guys..

I went a couple of times to the USA, the last time I visit the High school of my cousins.

It was just like in the movies, you see the cheerleaders walking around with their pompoms, during class you can walk away and go to the bathroom without asking. It's so different from the schools in Holland!

So I talked to my cousins and uncle if I couldn't go to school there for one year.

They found it a wonderful idea! My oldest cousin would go to university next year and would live on campus so there was space enough.

But Ashley the cousin of my age would go to a private school so I couldn't be in the same class as she was.

This year I saw a flyer that says USA High school year don't dream it DO it!

So I asked about information.

Today the organisation called for me.

Saturday I will go to a information day where I can ask al of my questions.

And tuesdayevening I've to do an interview in English and also an writing/reading exam..

If that's alright and my school results will be good at the end of the year then I will go to USA for 12 months!

I will life there in a host family probably with host brothers/sisters like a real American familySmile

(er zullen vast nog heel veel foutjes inzitten, nog een reden om naar Amerika te gaan: goed Engels leren )

Sanne Postma (3-7-2008)
Hoe jammer nou, het systeem kent je niet!
Zou je hier moeten kunnen insturen denk je?
Stuur dan even een mailtje naar jaron@vietors.com, en vermeld welk type internetverbinding je hebt, dan zal Jaron je laten herkennen door het systeem!

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